Geissorhiza inflexa, Geissorhiza hirta, Hesperantha inflexa, Ixia hirta, Witsyblom, 25-100 seeds July 2024


Geissorhiza inflexa is found on clay flats and slopes in the north and southwest Cape. It can be white or cream and sometimes purple or red. The red form was formerly known as v. erosa, but scientists have now discarded that name. This red one is especially beautiful. 

Propagation by seeds
Seeds should be sown in summer/autumn in trays of well drained seed compost with a very light sprinkling of vermiculite or fine sand. Immerse the tray in water when moisture is needed. Keep at 10-20°C and germination takes 4-6 weeks, sometimes longer. Seedlings should be grown on into the second season and given a liquid feed every couple of weeks to help a small corm to develop, and then planted into final pots. Flowering starts in the second season in ideal conditions, otherwise in the third season.


Geissorhizas grow best in sun or part shade and in well drained soil. Corms can be left in their pots after flowering and allowed to dry out or lifted and stored in a cool dry place. Dust the corms with antifungal powder. Replant in the autumn and keep watered during the winter, when the plants should be growing, and protected from hard frost. Protect young plants from slugs and snails and consider spraying with an insecticide to deter thrips and aphids.